Ink AI

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Your Complete eBook Marketing Toolkit

What’s Ink AI

The world’s first AI powered app that generates eBooks, Flipbooks, Reports, Whitepapers, and Sales Presentations... ​

Comes prefilled with 100% human-like content… ​

…and a built-in marketplace where you can sell your eBooks and receive instant payments via multiple methods, including Paypal, Stripe, Cards, and Bank Accounts…

Turn ANYTHING Into eBook Or Flipbook…

Whatever you have… ​ Ink AI can turn it into a fully designed eBook or Flipbook… ​

You can use: Keyword, URL, Blog Post, Any Website, Article, Questions and even your voice to generate full eBook/Flipbook within seconds

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That's why I gave a 5/5 on our review,

and I've put Ink-AI among the top choices.

I've never felt so good with eBook Builder. This thing is making my business grow like crazy.

I just wanted to let you know that you did a great job with it. It's so much better than what I was using before.

- Kimann Yoo, Web Application Developer in M.F.M

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